Okalee Welcomes Family Visitors

As Minnesota’s economy has slowly opened, we know all of us want to return to normal life as much as possible, while respecting the need to protect others and ourselves from the coronavirus. With this in mind, we are starting the process of opening Okalee of Medina to family visits.

Below, you’ll find an update on vendor and family visits and our process for new residents moving to our community. We want to share the measures we are taking to mitigate risks and keep the virus from spreading.

Family Visits

On August 31, Okalee of Medina began allowing visitors back to our community. In the event of increases in positive cases in our community, visitation policies are subject to change. Visitation hours are between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., and there is a three visitor limit for each apartment.

All visitors need to comply with the following policies:

  • Complete screenings for signs and symptoms of coronavirus prior to admittance
  • Maintain social distancing by staying at least six feet away from other individuals
  • Wash or sanitize hands before entering the community
  • Wear a face mask and face shield while in the community
  • Go directly to the resident’s apartment to visit with your loved one just after checking in
  • Avoid gathering in community common spaces or in groups

Information for New Residents

We are pleased to accept new admissions and look forward to welcoming new residents to Okalee. New residents must receive a coronavirus test upon arrival if they are transitioning from a TCU or hospital and quarantine themselves for fourteen days after arrival.

All moving professionals will be required to take the following actions:

  • Complete training on appropriate cleaning, disinfection, hand hygiene and respiratory precautions
  • Complete daily screenings for signs and symptoms of coronavirus prior to admittance
  • Wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the community
  • Maintain a minimum separation of six feet from residents
  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, etc. while anywhere within the community
  • Use a pre-designated route inside the community
  • Enter the community during non-peak hours when possible

Safe and Smooth Move with Gentle Transitions

Cassia has partnered with Gentle Transitions to help you make a smooth and safe move. Gentle Transitions has been in the business of helping seniors downsize and relocate since 1990, so they know what it takes to make a successful move, according to each customer’s needs and preferences.

Staff will take measures to disinfect any item touched by a mover, including sanitizing items on our dock prior to moving them into the building. Immediately following the move, we will sanitize hallways and any areas where movers were present.

Learn more about the special services offered to older adults and their families here. You’ll be directed to a page that shares information on free consultations, move-in planning, professional packing and the moving day process.

Okalee staff members are excited to welcome visitors back to our community and to greet new residents who will find new possibilities and opportunities that help them celebrate life. We look forward to serving you while anticipating your needs and maintaining health and safety for Okalee residents.

Should you have more questions, please contact Jennifer Zachman at Jennifer.Zachman@cassialife.org or 612-398-8161.